Jai Kumar


Explore the life and vision of our esteemed chairman, a catalyst for change in the chemical sector. Gain insight into the values, experiences, and aspirations propelling our company’s growth.

I have actively worked since the very beginning for the progression and protection of the Chemical industry. My most notable work has been related to the ensuring government policies regarding tariff and taxation in favour of our industry and that have helped increase domestic chemical production.

Over the past 5 years, I have been regularly
meeting with various government dignitaries, to boost the image of our association and protect the interest of our members.

The strengthening of PCMA and its members in the nation’s industry is only one side of the coin. My other work is focused on promoting harmony and camaraderie not only within PCMA, but also between PCMA and government institutions, national associations, chambers, federation, and forums. I believe that liaison such as this will make our country prosper, especially after a disaster such as the COVID-19, which has deteriorated the national economy.

I am always available to support the industry and to resolve the issues faced by our member companies.

Wish everybody a great success.

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